Enrollment & Annual Registration

Welcome! Our enrollment and annual registration forms can be completed online at your convenience. For new family initial enrollment, please complete all forms. For existing family annual registration, please complete the Enrollment Application and Photo & Vid Consent form. Afterschool annual registration also requires the Transport Permission and Vehicle Emergency forms to be completed. 

Enrollment Application

Required for initial enrollment and annual registration.

Medical Report

Healthcare provider must fill within 30 days of initial enrollment.

Emergency Auth

Required for initial enrollment.

Parent Handbook

Required for initial enrollment.

Parental Agreement

Required for initial enrollment.

Photo & Vid Consent

Required for initial enrollment and annual registration.

First Aid Permission

Required for initial enrollment.

Allergies & Diet

Required for initial enrollment.

Transport Permission

After School Only. Required for initial enrollment and annual registration.

Vehicle Emergency

After School Only. Required for initial enrollment and annual registration.

Pay Initial Enrollment

For our new families, please pay here.

Pay Annual Regist.

For our existing families, please pay here.